Cookies Policy
The objective of this policy is to keep our users informed regarding the cookies that are used by this website in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data on the free movement of such data.
“Cookies” are small blocs of data created by a web server while you are browsing a website and they are placed on your computer, smartphone or tablet when browsing said website. Cookies enable servers to store stateful information on a specific website and track your browsing activity. By law, we are only allowed to store essential cookies on your device (understood as cookies required for proper operation of our own website). Storage of any other type of cookies requires your permission.
This website uses cookies to optimize website functionality, analyze website performance, and provide a personalized experience to you. Some cookies are necessary and essential to make the website operate and function correctly, as such these cookies cannot be disabled.
This website only uses its own cookies for technical purposes. We do not collect or share personal information from our users without their consent. We do not use cookies for the purposes of marketing. Find below a list of the individual cookies we use and for which purpose:
- Google analytics: these cookies collect information and report site usage statistic always anonymously.
- Session ID: each time you launch a website, a session ID is generated and is stored temporarily, being deleted after the session ends.
- Cookie Preferences: used to store your preferences regarding cookie policies.
Blocking, revoking or eliminating Cookies
You can allow, block, revoke or eliminate cookies installed in your browser through the settings. Take into account that blocking all cookies, including essential ones, could impair your access to our website or parts of it. You can find more information on how to proceed below, depending on your browser:
Microsoft Edge: