Thyroid carcinoma with severe pulmonary metastasis in a dog.

7-years-old, French Bulldog. Respiration improved after BOAS surgery, but recently has become noisier. A CT-scan of head, neck and thorax was performed.


In the right cranial cervical region, there is a soft tissue attenuating mass with heterogeneous attenuation, showing marked heterogeneous post-contrast enhancement (red arrows), located in the anatomical location of the right thyroid, which is not visible. The mass is highly infiltrative, with ill-defined margins.

dog, neck, cervical
dog, neck, cervical
dog, neck, cervical
dog, neck, cervical

The mass severely invades the adjacent soft tissues invading the cranial trachea (pink arrows), the laryngeal wall (purple arrows) and the wall of the cranial esophageal sphincter (blue arrows).

dog, neck, trachea, larynx, oesophagus
dog, neck, trachea, larynx, oesophagus
dog, neck, trachea, larynx, oesophagus
dog, neck, trachea, larynx, oesophagus

The right retropharyngeal lymph node is severely enlarged with homogeneous post-contrast enhancement (blue arrows).

dog, neck, lymph nodes
dog, neck, lymph nodes

In the thorax there is a thrombus that extends along the cranial vena cava slightly invading the right atrium (red arrows).

dog, thorax, vena cava, right atrium

There are several small soft tissue nodules, with well-defined margins, spread throughout the lung parenchyma. They show marked heterogeneous post-contrast enhancement.

dog, thorax, lung parenchyma
dog, thorax, lung parenchyma
dog, thorax, lung parenchyma
dog, thorax, lung parenchyma


  • Large mass highly infiltrative with aggressive characteristics located in the right cranial cervical region at the anatomical location of the right thyroid, consistent with a neoplastic process (infiltrative thyroid carcinoma, most likely).
  • Marked right retropharyngeal lymphadenopathy, consistent with metastasis.
  • Multiple pulmonary nodules, consistent with severe pulmonary metastasis.

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