Sialocele with sialoliths in a dog
9-years-old, mixed breed dog. Presented for acute appearance of an intermandibular mass. A CT-scan of the head was performed.
Continue readingPresumptive ischemic stroke in a cat
A 10-year-old, female, domestic short hair cat was presented with incoordination. An MRI scan of the head was performed.
Continue readingMass in right tympanic bulla with nasopharyngeal, periaural soft tissues and intracranial invasion in a cat
1-year-old, male, Blue Russian cat was presented with nasal and otic discharge. The patient has non-regenerative anaemia and is positive for feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). A CT of the head was performed.
Continue readingSevere chronic otitis interna and media with osteomyelitis of the bulla and adjacent myositis in a dog
7-year-old female neutered French Bulldog. Left middle ear disease is suspected.
A head CT scan was performed.
Otitis media and interna in a cat
7-year-old female Domestic Short-hair cat, with peripheral vestibular signs, left otitis media was suspected. An MRI of the head was performed.
Continue readingMultiple cranial congenital abnormalities in a dog
5-months-old, female intact, crossbreed dog presented with cranial nerves deficits and delay in walking, consistent with cognitive alteration. A CT scan of the head was performed.
Continue readingIntracranial extension of an expansile ear lesion in a cat
9-year-old, female, Maine Coon was presented with recurrence of a peripheral vestibular syndrome. A ventral osteotomy of the left tympanic bulla was previously performed. An MRI of the head was performed.
Continue readingRetrobulbar abscess and associated optic neuritis and subdural empyema in a dog
5-year-old female Yorkshire terrier, with conjunctivitis and central vestibular syndrome.
An MRI of the head was performed.
Soft palate mass
12-year-old male neutered Labrador Retriever. Came to the emergency room with inspiratory distress and mixed dyspnea. Physical examination revealed laryngeal stertors.
A head CT scan was performed.