Presumptive ischemic stroke in a cat
A 10-year-old, female, domestic short hair cat was presented with incoordination. An MRI scan of the head was performed.
Continue readingSacrocaudal intervertebral disc protrusion in a cat
6 years-old, male domestic short hair. Previous history of teeth cleaning one week ago. Now he shows flaccid tail and pain in the lower back and tail area. A spinal CT scan was performed.
Continue readingMass in right tympanic bulla with nasopharyngeal, periaural soft tissues and intracranial invasion in a cat
1-year-old, male, Blue Russian cat was presented with nasal and otic discharge. The patient has non-regenerative anaemia and is positive for feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). A CT of the head was performed.
Continue readingLipid pneumonia in a cat
6-years-old, male, DSH cat with chronic coughing, FIV positive. Alveolar lung pattern in ventral lung areas was seen on X-rays. A thoracic CT-scan was performed.
Continue readingIntracranial extension of an expansile ear lesion in a cat
9-year-old, female, Maine Coon was presented with recurrence of a peripheral vestibular syndrome. A ventral osteotomy of the left tympanic bulla was previously performed. An MRI of the head was performed.
Continue readingFeline lung patchy alveolar pattern with fibrosing pleuritis, bilateral pleural effusion and pneumothorax
7-years-old, male, DSH cat with pleural effusion of unknown origin. Lung alveolar pattern was seen on the X-rays. A thoracic CT-scan was performed.
Continue readingPresumptive lung lobe torsion in a cat
2-year-old male DSH with pleural effusion (chylothorax). Echocardiography did not reveal any abnormalities. An CT of the thorax was performed.
Continue readingPresumptive lung, pleural, renal and costal musculature metastasis of tubular adenocarcinoma in a cat
9 -years-old female domestic short hair. A tubular adenocarcinoma was diagnosed by biopsy in the dorsal aspect of the thoracic region.
A thoracic CT was performed.
Feline asthma and diaphragmatic hernia in a cat
Six-year-old male DSH with a 1-month history of tachypnea. A thoracic and abdominal CT was performed.
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