1-year-old, male, Blue Russian cat was presented with nasal and otic discharge. The patient has non-regenerative anaemia and is positive for feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). A CT of the head was performed.
Continue readingIntramedullary lesion in a dog
2-years-old, male, Pointer presented with acute and progressive paraparesis for 5 days. An MRI of the thoracolumbar spine was performed.
Continue readingPrimary bone neoplasia and associated pathological femoral fracture with lung metastasis in a dog
14-years-old female Siberian Husky. An acute fracture of the right femur was seen. A CT of the right femur and thorax was performed.
Continue readingPresumptive lung, pleural, renal and costal musculature metastasis of tubular adenocarcinoma in a cat
9 -years-old female domestic short hair. A tubular adenocarcinoma was diagnosed by biopsy in the dorsal aspect of the thoracic region.
A thoracic CT was performed.
Canine elbow neoplasia with pulmonary metastasis
11-years-old male crossbreed was presented with a mass at the right elbow. A CT-scan of the elbows and thorax was performed
Continue readingThoracic spinal mass with extradural extension in a dog
5-year-old male German Shepperd dog with pelvic limbs weakness. A mass at the level of thoracic vertebrae is detected during the general physical examination.
A thoracic spine CT is performed.
Esophageal mass in a dog
12-year-old male Maltese with respiratory distress that worsened within hours. Thoracic CT was performed.
Continue readingSublumbar mass
8-years-old female boxer with pelvic limbs weakness and leishmaniosis. In the radiographic study of the lumbar spine, a soft tissue lesion with mineralizations at the ventral aspect of the vertebral bodies of L7-S1 was seen.
An abdominal CT was performed.
Soft palate mass
12-year-old male neutered Labrador Retriever. Came to the emergency room with inspiratory distress and mixed dyspnea. Physical examination revealed laryngeal stertors.
A head CT scan was performed.
Extra-axial mass in the fourth ventricle
8-year-old female Jack russel terrier with cervical pain and ataxia.
An MRI of the head was performed.